Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to work tomorrow! I am so eager to get back to school and see everyone. It feels like I've been away forever. With the trouble I've had riding in the car and getting motion sickness this week, I was beginning to worry that I was ruined forever and would become one of "those teachers." You know, the teacher who has to be dropped off at the front door because she can't drive herself. Tomorrow I'll get in my very own Mustang wearing actual street clothes and drive myself to school as usual. No chauffeurs. No drugs. Hopefully, it won't be with no hair though. Today was day ten. The strands could start falling any day now. I'll bring a hat tomorrow just in case. Betsy was worried that my hair would fall out as I was standing in front of a class teaching. I told her that I don't think it will just fall out all of a sudden, leaving me standing there bald as a billiard ball, but what do I know. I've never done this before.

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